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"You can even curse at me or steal things from me. But please don't lie to me. Understand?"
Set in 1930s Korea, the period of Japanese occ” read more

"Thank you everyone. (Flaws noted my friends, it was just abit of fun I guess. Aware there are flaws here.) If anyone can think of any other One place/space films just give me a PM or write here."

"I agree. This list is just a personal dream of what I think should win. The Academy is pretty predictable these days, we need more surprises..."

"I agree with most of what you say. PIXAR winning every year is repetition I am quite personally fed up of seeing. Despite my love for their films, the novelty regarding them winning in Award ceremon"

"I get the feeling Social Network is going to win alot. Personally, I can't see why...Must be a biased American mentaility. The BAFTAs seems to be a more reliable alternative, where they have a level o"

"I think I remember that...Haven't played any games for ages, but still vivdly remember the joys and secrets. Refreshing. Did you like my sunglasses Snake? XD"

"It is truly symbolic, the representation that existence and life begins from a root, a beginning... I would say the poster reflects The Fountain very well. It is full of references to different reli"

"He is an acquired taste. The snob in me shows adoration for his works."

"Fucking LOL! LOL! LOL! This is funny as funny fucking funny gets man! XD!"

"Thank you. Films, stories and books are a passion. Just showing some love and affection for the ones I love, and ones others love also. :)"

"Thank you my friends. Work in progress; Should be finished soon. (Will add suggestions: Vix & Prudence) Anymore suggestions welcome."

"Contemplating adding some more to this list. 10 isn't enough. :D"