"FIGHT CLUB??? O___O! That's...erm...crazy. Your personal opinion is slightly warped. :P"

"The Blind Side = The Back Side ... When you switch the words. Back side is bottom, and this bottom needs smacking. :P And don't Zuh? me .. I'm no Uncle Sam forrest Gump geezer! ;)"

"Replace ''Blind'' with ''Back'' and that's why the blacks didn't win this year. Now smack it. xD!"

"This reminds me of one of those Marmite adverts...You either love it or hate it. :P If Inglourious Basterds was a bad film why was it Nominated for Best Picture and why did Christoph Waltz win an Osc"

"They should of at least given noms for ''The Hangover'' and ''500 Days of Summer.'' *sigh!*"

"Godfather 3...No Robert De Niro, No Marlon Brando. A really creepy Sofia Coppola. Yep it makes me scared just thinking about the prospect."

"Maybe needed Meet the Spartans and Epic Movie...They stinky. xD!"

"Why does every film with a picture have a letter ''A'' on the right hand side of the image?"

"It's a gradual process, although should be finished in time. Rather proud of this List showing off my favourite films in all their glory. Certainly put the work in."